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#   Microbial Activities: GF MCAMUF
#   RV/Sonne So248, South and North Pacific, along 180 W
#   P.I.: C. Arnosti (UNC-CH)
#   version: 2018-07-31
#   NOTE: Date/time and location data from CTD cast data (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.864673) were joined to original dataset
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S01           SO248_01-1    2016-05-02T16:51  -30.0008  176.9993   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          100        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAF          1            12.3               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAF          2            30.7               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAF          3            72.6               nd           nd           0.013658    0.003301    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAF          1            12.0               nd           nd           0.012694    0.029221    3          
AAF          2            30.4               nd           nd           0.017052    0.012240    3          
AAF          3            72.3               nd           nd           0.234697    0.099473    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAF          1            12.5               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAF          2            31.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAF          3            72.8               nd           nd           0           0           3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S01           SO248_01-1    2016-05-02T16:51  -30.0008  176.9993   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          100        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAPF         1            12.3               nd           nd           0.061552    0.065661    3          
AAPF         2            30.7               nd           nd           0.083366    0.046353    3          
AAPF         3            72.6               nd           nd           0.464183    0.084961    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAPF         1            12.0               nd           nd           0.005606    0.014663    3          
AAPF         2            30.4               nd           nd           0.036158    0.019185    3          
AAPF         3            72.3               nd           nd           1.250612    0.200121    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAPF         1            12.5               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAPF         2            31.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAPF         3            72.8               nd           nd           0           0           3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S01           SO248_01-1    2016-05-02T16:51  -30.0008  176.9993   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          100        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
a-glu        1            12.3               nd           nd           0.002350    0.000333    3          
a-glu        2            30.7               nd           nd           0.002932    0.000463    3          
a-glu        3            72.6               nd           nd           0.016048    0.004877    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
a-glu        1            12.0               nd           nd           0.003242    0.000824    3          
a-glu        2            30.4               nd           nd           0.002077    0.000397    3          
a-glu        3            72.3               nd           nd           0.008066    0.000257    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
a-glu        1            12.5               nd           nd           0.000175    0.000451    3          
a-glu        2            31.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
a-glu        3            72.8               nd           nd           0.000389    0.000155    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S01           SO248_01-1    2016-05-02T16:51  -30.0008  176.9993   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          100        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
b-glu        1            12.3               nd           nd           0.002176    0.001344    3          
b-glu        2            30.7               nd           nd           0.005655    0.000670    3          
b-glu        3            72.6               nd           nd           0.044766    0.003206    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
b-glu        1            12.0               nd           nd           0.001239    0.001050    3          
b-glu        2            30.4               nd           nd           0.002077    0.000190    3          
b-glu        3            72.3               nd           nd           0.130618    0.071758    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
b-glu        1            12.5               nd           nd           0           0           3          
b-glu        2            31.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
b-glu        3            72.8               nd           nd           0.000180    0.000213    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S01           SO248_01-1    2016-05-02T16:51  -30.0008  176.9993   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          100        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
FSR          1            12.3               nd           nd           0.036975    0.025397    3          
FSR          2            30.7               nd           nd           0.061685    0.008000    3          
FSR          3            72.6               nd           nd           0.089781    0.001177    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
FSR          1            12.0               nd           nd           0.023801    0.022664    3          
FSR          2            30.4               nd           nd           0.029454    0.005400    3          
FSR          3            72.3               nd           nd           0.102374    0.024500    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
FSR          1            12.5               nd           nd           0           0           3          
FSR          2            31.4               nd           nd           0.004383    0.005716    3          
FSR          3            72.8               nd           nd           0.004434    0.003377    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S01           SO248_01-1    2016-05-02T16:51  -30.0008  176.9993   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          100        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
L            1            12.3               nd           nd           0.062205    0.035335    3          
L            2            30.7               nd           nd           0.138813    0.120073    3          
L            3            72.6               nd           nd           0.851267    0.820532    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
L            1            12.0               nd           nd           0.029619    0.023816    3          
L            2            30.4               nd           nd           0.015921    0.009368    3          
L            3            72.3               nd           nd           0.118740    0.030865    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
L            1            12.5               nd           nd           0           0           3          
L            2            31.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
L            3            72.8               nd           nd           0.002635    0.001097    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S01           SO248_01-1    2016-05-02T16:51  -30.0008  176.9993   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          100        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
QAR          1            12.3               nd           nd           0.100485    0.037529    3          
QAR          2            30.7               nd           nd           0.127733    0.031291    3          
QAR          3            72.6               nd           nd           0.160632    0.006399    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
QAR          1            12.0               nd           nd           0.036495    0.019672    3          
QAR          2            30.4               nd           nd           0.047931    0.023928    3          
QAR          3            72.3               nd           nd           0.154450    0.077341    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
QAR          1            12.5               nd           nd           0           0           3          
QAR          2            31.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
QAR          3            72.8               nd           nd           0           0           3